Let us save you the hassle of ordering the larger minimum quantities, raising delicate day-old chicks, and pick up your new flock members with ease when you order through our chick grow out program!
All are 90% guaranteed pullets (young females) and vaccinated for both Coccidiosis and Marek's disease.
We trust in the experts at McMurray Hatchery, are honored to be partnered with them, and believe in sourcing quality birds for our flock and yours. We are so happy to offer them on a larger scale to our local South Jersey community (local pick up only), with no order minimums or the hassle of chick brooding.
The breeds we have available for the 2025 Season are:
Black Australorp
Barred Rock
Black Jersey Giant
Black Star / Black Sexlink
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
Brown Leghorn (Single Comb)
Buff Rock
Cuckoo Maran
Cream Crested Legbar
Egyptian Fayoumis
French Black Copper Maran
Light Brahma
Mottled Houdan
Partridge Rock
Pearl White Leghorn
Red Star / ISA Brown
Salmon Faverolle
Speckled Sussex
White Crested Black Polish
White Jersey Giant
White Rock
Whiting True Blue
Whiting True Green
Our Chicks are available for local pickup at 1-week old or 6-weeks old, your choice.
1-Week Old Chicks:
Now that that delicate window of time has passed (typically days 1-4 post-hatch), your little babies will be ready to come home with you at 1-week old. While they are still fragile and will need supplemental heat until they're feathered out and ready to transition outdoors, we have successfully ensured your new chicks get the best headstart to living a long, healthy life when you pick them up and bring them home!
6-Week Old Chicks:
By taking the next step and investing in our Chick Grow Out program, we will raise your chicks from hatch through 6 weeks old (which is about the time they are 90% fully feathered) and ready to transition outdoors - weather permitting. Depending on the time of year, you may still need to keep them on supplemental heat, before transitioning outdoors, but at this age they are completely comfortable in 70 degree temps, so it won't be very long with our Spring chicks that you'll need to keep them on heat.
We have found that raising chicks through this age gets them ready to make an easy transition from the brooder to your outside coop with no added heat necessary and the Spring temps being just right.
Pricing varies depending on the breed and age upon pickup, starting at just $15 per chick, with no minimum requirement on the number of chicks.
Local pickup ONLY.
We do not ship chicks.
For our 1-week old chicks, we have accounted for all of your chicks essentials in their first week of their lives, such as vitamins and electrolytes, probiotics, feed, bedding, and electric.
For 6-week old chicks, we have alotted $2/per week per chick for 5 weeks, to cover our expenses such as feed, electricity, bedding, etc.
Please add/indicate the number of chicks you would like to purchase and confirm the breed as well as ages you would like them to be upon pickup.
Thank you for entrusting Freshcoln Farms with your expanding flock's needs!
Schedule your chick pickup ahead of time!
After you place your chick order, you can schedule your chick pickup in advance. Please refer back to your order regarding your hatch date and age of chicks upon pickup, to determine your pickup week. We also will send you an email, shortly after your order is placed, to remind you to schedule your pickup.
15 min
15 min
15 min
15 min
15 min
15 min
15 min
15 min
15 min